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Theories of Childhood, 10hp
Kurskategori Master´s Programme in Child Studies
Huvudområde Barn - BRA
  Kurskod   736A13
In this course students will acquire knowledge about the ways in which childhood has evolved as a concept. Students will become familiarized with the major approaches to understanding and theorizing childhood that have accompanied this development. They will also gain understanding of what the different perspectives and ideas surrounding children and childhood have meant for the shape and form of childhood in today’s societies. Understanding these approaches – their foundations, implications and their potential outcomes – will provide students with necessary analytical tools for the study of childhood.
The concept of childhood will be analysed from several angles; influential ideas of what a child is, the nature of childhood, the use and place of childhood in society will be considered. Closely connected concepts to childhood, such as age, lifespan and generation, will also be examined in the course. The emphasis will be on the major approaches to the study of childhood that have emerged during the 20th century and how these have helped to shape dominant views on children and childhood. Important schools of thought such as developmental psychology, socialisation theories as well as social actor and constructionist theories will be examined. The influence of the “linguistic turn” and newer post-structuralist perspectives on childhood will also be examined and the nuances and differences between these newer perspectives will be highlighted and evaluated.
The instruction methods will include lectures for overviews of the readings combined with teacher lead seminars and discussions on the Internet as well as individual comments on written assignments. Guiding students in searching and finding relevant literature is also part of the instruction methods of this course. The Internet based format of the course requires a high degree of self-activity from students. Students will be expected to take an active part in their learning experience and to be able to work independently as well as in pairs or groups with other students.
Each course module is concluded with a compulsory assignment. Each of these assignments must be completed and approved before students can receive their credits for the course. The assignment forms of this course include written essays, reviews of literature, oppositions of the work of other students and considerations of particular course related questions in a discussion forum. As a final examination, students will be required to write a longer essay on the course topic.

Students failing an exam covering either the entire course or part of the course two times are entitled to have a new examiner appointed for the re-examination.

Students who have passed an examination may not retake it in order to improve their grades.

Studerande som underkänts två gånger på kursen eller del av kursen har rätt att begära en annan examinator vid förnyat examinationstillfälle.

Den som godkänts i prov får ej delta i förnyat prov för högre betyg.

To be eligible to the course the student must fulfil the general entrance requirements stipulated in the syllabus by the Faculty Board.

To be eligible to the course the student must fulfil the general and specific entrance requirements stipulated in the syllabus by the Faculty Board.
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Kursen bedrivs på ett sådant sätt att både mäns och kvinnors erfarenhet och kunskaper synliggörs och utvecklas.
Theories of Childhood
Theories of Childhood
Kursansvarig är: Tema - Institutionen för Tema
Dnr: 1322/06-41   Kurskod: 736A13      
    Provkoder: (se förteckning i LADOK)      
Ämne: Barn - BRA          
Nivå   Utbildningsnivå     Ämneskod   Utbildningsområde  
A1X   Avancerad     BRA   SA  
Fastställd av kursplanenämnden 2008-09-10 på delegation av filosofiska fakultetsstyrelsen.