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Intercultural Pedagogy, Identity and Globalization, in-depth course
, 30 ECTS Credits
COURSE CATEGORY   Fristående kurs
  COURSE CODE   734G07
On completion of the course, the student should be able to:
- account for different research-oriented approaches and scholarly perspectives.
- discuss methods to describe and analyse inter-cultural phenomena.
- plan, carry out, present and defend an independent thesis work that includes theoretical and empirical studies that are relevant to inter-cultural teaching and learning.
- reflect on the contents and quality of one's own independent work.
- critically review the thesis work of a fellow student.
Research Methods and Scientific Perspectives, 15 HE credits
Forskningsmetodiska ansatser och vetenskapsteoretiska perspektiv
In this module, research-oriented approaches of relevance for inter-cultural work is addressed in relation to different science-philosophical and scientific theoretical perspectives. Both qualitative and quantitative methods are addressed. Issues regarding problem formulation, research and study design and data collection are studied, as well as methods for description, processing and interpretation of data.

Thesis, 15 HE credits
In this module, the work of selecting, delimiting, defining and examining a theme/problem with relation to inter-cultural teaching and learning continues. The problem and its processing are presented in a thesis. The student independently performs this smaller research and defends it, as well as reviews others' research.
The course comprises a combination of physical meetings and distance studies, which implies varied meeting and instruction forms. This means that:
- The physical meetings are mainly in the form of seminars that span more than one day,
- The participants are given the opportunity to participate in virtual meetings continuously during the course via electronic conferences,
- The group's importance for the learning is utilised. In small groups, the students process and apply the contents of the course. The thesis supervision is both individual and in groups.
- The students' own research issues are used as the basis for the research-oriented and scientific theoretical parts, and the processing of their own problems is integrated with studies of methodological approaches.
- The documentation is continuous. The student's writing process continues throughout the course. Within the smaller group, the students read and comment on one another's texts.
The course is examined through written tasks. Further, active participation in the course seminaries is required. The essay is examined through presentation and defence in an essay seminar. The student also publicly discusses another essay and participates actively in the treatment of additional essays.

Students failing an exam covering either the entire course or part of the course two times are entitled to have a new examiner appointed for the reexamination.

Students who have passed an examination may not retake it in order to improve their grades.

Passing grade in Intercultural Pedagogy, Identity and Globalization, continuation course (or the equivalent).
A grade of Pass with Credit, Pass or Fail is given for the course
Course certificate is issued by the Faculty Board on request. The Department provides a special form which should be submitted to the Student Affairs Division.
The course literature is decided upon by the department in question.
Planning and implementation of a course must take its starting point in the wording of the syllabus. The course evaluation included in each course must therefore take up the question how well the course agrees with the syllabus.

The course is carried out in such a way that both men´s and women´s experience and knowledge is made visible and developed.
Intercultural Pedagogy, Identity and Globalization, in-depth course
Interkulturell pedagogik, identitet och globalisering, fördjupningskurs
Department responsible
for the course or equivalent:
IBL - Department of Behavioural Science and Learning
Registrar No: 127/07-41   Course Code: 734G07      
    Exam codes: see Local Computer System      
Subject/Subject Area : Education - PEA          
Level   Education level     Subject Area Code   Field of Education  
G2X   Basic level     PEA   SA  
The syllabus was approved by the Board of Faculty of Arts and Science 2007-12-11