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Human Resource Management, 7,5hp
Kurskategori Singel Subject course. The course is also a part of the Business Administration and Economics Programme
Huvudområde Företagsekonomi - FÖA
  Kurskod   722G19
Having completed the course, the student should be able to
- describe the development of HRM as a research field,
- recognize and explain key practices and principles of HRM as well as of HRM as part of a general management ‘toolkit’,
- process, critically analyse and reflect upon literature within the HRM field,
- connect and compare HRM research findings and real life experiences,
- integrate knowledge gained through reading, discussions and experiences and express it orally and in writing,
- analyse and find solutions to basic HRM problems, and reflect upon the outcomes of actions taken,
- engage in constructive dialogue with HR practitioners,
- realize the centrality of individuals, teams and interaction in the organization,
- display a critical and reflective attitude towards what s/he reads and experiences,
- appreciate the difficulties and possibilities of diverse workgroups.
The course is based on the assumption that most students who take it are likely to embark upon careers as junior/middle managers rather than specialist HR practitioners. In these roles they will be subject to three sets of pressures: i) managing their personal performance and career; ii) managing the performance and careers of subordinates; iii) managing the policies emanating from HR specialists. The course is designed to equip students with the tools to help manage these (potentially conflicting) pressures.
The course is designed to encourage active participation and the students are involved in various forms of interactive learning situations. The basic learning pillars are
- Interactive lectures, complemented with reading,
- Individual reflection papers based on lectures, readings and team discussions
- Theme days, where teams are responsible for carrying out HRM practices in the class and teaching other students
- Case work in virtual teams, where the students will show their ability to analyse a company and its HRM practices and propose solutions. Moreover, they will gain experience of working in and managing dispersed teams, using technology as the main form for communication.
Language of instruction: English.
The course will be examined throughout the course, by the means of gathering points for the various tasks. A larger portion of points can be acquired through a final paper and casework.

- Papers
- Casework
- Preparation of a learning module
- Feedback
- Active participation

Den som godkänts i prov får ej delta i förnyat prov för högre betyg.

To be eligible to the course the student must fulfil the general and specific entrance requirements stipulated in the syllabus by the Faculty Board.
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Human Resource Management
Human Resource Management
Kursansvarig är: IEI - Institutionen för ekonomisk och industriell utveckling
Dnr: 127/07-41   Kurskod: 722G19      
    Provkoder: (se förteckning i LADOK)      
Ämne: Företagsekonomi - FÖA          
Nivå   Utbildningsnivå     Ämneskod   Utbildningsområde  
G2X   G     FÖA   SA