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Business Ethics, advanced course, 15hp
Kurskategori Single Subject Course
Huvudområde Tillämpad etik - TEE
  Kurskod   721A06
The aim of the course is tho give the students the knowledge and capability to reflect over, discuss, and analyze issues within business ethics.

The aim can be specified into the following capabilities. The student will be able to:

• Acquire a deeper knowledge of concepts, theories, and problems within the field of business ethics
• Acquire knowledge of central issues within business ethics
• Analyze and reflect upon ethical problems within business ethics
• Analyze and evaluate central arguments within business ethics
• Reason about and problematize business ethical issues in written papers
Business ethics is a field of study that includes both the general question of the interface between economic practice and ethical theory, and more specific questions such as the social responsibility of corporations, professionalism, economic and corporate decision-making structure, employee rights, and environmental and global issues. The course contains four areas of study: (i) Business ethics and normative theories, (ii) Business ethics and the business disciplines, (iii) Issues in business ethics, and (iv) Case studies in business ethics.
Teaching comprises lectures and discussion seminars. The students will also engage in self-studies, group work and presentations of text analysis. By introducing methods and models for analysis, the student acquires tools for analysing business ethical problems. The ability to analyse and evaluate issues of business from an ethical point of view is exercised by discussing case studies, performing text analysis and reviews.
The course is examined by the writing of a paper assignment. The students are required to participate actively in seminars, present text analysis and write small paper assignments.

Studerande som underkänts två gånger på kursen eller del av kursen har rätt att begära en annan examinator vid förnyat examinationstillfälle.

Den som godkänts i prov får ej delta i förnyat prov för högre betyg.

A bachelor's degree/kandidatexamen of at least 180 ECTS credits, including a 15 ECTS credit degree paper or equivalent, and at least 30 ECTS credits in Ethics, or the equivalent,
Documented knowledge of English equivalent to "Engelska B"; i.e. English as native language or an internationally recognized test, e.g. TOEFL (minimum scores: Paperbased 550 + TWE-score 4.0, computorbased 213 and internetbased 79), IELTS, academic (minimum score: Overall band 6.0 and no band under 5.0), or equivalent.
På kursen ges betyget Väl godkänd, Godkänd eller Underkänd
Kursbevis utfärdas av filosofiska fakultetsstyrelsen, efter begäran av den studerande. Begäran om bevis ska göras på särskild blankett som finns att hämta på Centrala studerandeexpeditionerna eller via . Blanketten lämnas till StudentCentrum
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Kursen bedrivs på ett sådant sätt att både mäns och kvinnors erfarenhet och kunskaper synliggörs och utvecklas.
Business Ethics, advanced course
Business Ethics, advanced course
Kursansvarig är: IKK - Institutionen för kultur och kommunikation
Dnr: 127/07-41   Kurskod: 721A06      
    Provkoder: (se förteckning i LADOK)      
Ämne: Tillämpad etik - TEE          
Nivå   Utbildningsnivå     Ämneskod   Utbildningsområde  
A1X   A     TEE   SA  
Fastställd av kursplanenämnden 2007-09-27 på delegation av filosofiska fakultetsstyrelsen.